Sunday Sermoncast
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Epiphany 4- January 28th, 2024
January 26, 2024
Sunday Sermoncast- Epiphany 4-  January 28th, 2024

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Epiphany 3- January 21st, 2024
January 21, 2024
Sunday Sermoncast- Epiphany 3-  January 21st, 2024

Now on YouTube and Spotify- Click below:



Epiphany 2- January 14th, 2024
January 13, 2024
Sunday Sermoncast- Epiphany 2-  January 14th, 2024

Now on YouTube and Spotify- Click below:



Feast of the Epiphany- January 6th, 2024
January 6, 2024
Sunday Sermoncast- Feast of the Epiphany-  January 6th, 2024

Now on YouTube and Spotify


Feast of the Nativity- Christmas Eve- Dec. 24th, 2023
December 22, 2023
Sunday Sermoncast- December 24th- Feast of the Nativity- Christmas Eve

"We return to the Nativity, the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ each year because He is the promise given and the promise fulfilled... And it is these promises that we place our hope and trust in; our faith that Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary is the promised one hailed by Angel Choirs to save us from our sin. Our God who took on human flesh to restore His beloved creation to himself. There can be no other meaning to this night as it is our God who pierces the darkness to bring to us His light. To remove from us the pall and stench of our sin so that we might be forgiven, made new, and have peace with Him again."

Click below to listen to the Sunday Sermoncast:

Advent 4- December 24h, 2023
December 22, 2023
Sunday Sermoncast- December 24th, 2023- Advent 4

"This is the great mystery of the Gospel; of how a God beyond time could and even would step into our history to take on human flesh, to be born of a nobody girl from a nothing city so He might claim the prophetic throne of a distant ancestor and then die for the sins of all humanity... As spoken by Paul to the Galatians, “When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” This is the hope that we maintain, like Mary, through faith, even 2000 years since this encounter occurred.

Click below to listen to the Sunday Sermoncast.

Advent 3- December 17th, 2023
December 17, 2023

Advent 3- December 17th, 2023

No recording for the Sunday Sermoncast this week. There was a Youth led service that did not have a sermon.

Historic Collect

Lord Jesus Christ, give ear to our prayers, and lighten the darkness of our hearts by your gracious visitation; for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. (Gregorian Sacramentary, 6th Century)

Click below to hear a small selection of songs from our recent Carol Sing. [READ MORE]

Advent 2- December 10th, 2023
December 9, 2023

Sunday Sermoncast
Advent 2- December 10th, 2023

SOLA Publishing Three Year Lectionary Readings- Year B Isaiah 40:1-11, Psalm 85, 2 Peter 3:8-14, St. Mark 1:1-8

Historic Collect

Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to make ready the way of your only begotten Son, that by his coming we may be enabled to serve you with pure minds; through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. (Gelasian Sacramentary, 7th Century)

"Our Christian brothers and sisters for hundreds of years call on us to join with them and find time in this busy season to push aside the hustle and the bustle, the gifts and the obligations and to fast and to pray; to prepare for the coming of our Lord; to repent of our sin and listen to what God is saying to us and to all humanity through His Word as He speaks the Words of Salvation to us all. There is a deep darkness on our land; a land in desperate need of repentance, but as we light an Advent Candle each week, let it remind ourselves of the promise that the Light of Christ will one day overwhelm and consume all that endangers God's people. A promise that our Lord says will be fulfilled soon, unto which we say, “Come Lord Jesus”.

Click here to listen to the Sunday Sermoncast for Advent 2-

Advent 1- December 3rd, 2023
December 2, 2023

Advent 1- December 3rd, 2023

SOLA Publishing Three Year Lectionary Readings- Year B Isaiah 64:1-9, Psalm 80:1-7, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, St. Mark 13:24-47

"This is the deep darkness of our time. Our modern ways have all but erased the idea of the supernatural; that God is a God who acts on behalf of His people; a God who sends His angels to strike down armies and actively protect us from harm. In this, we have allowed science to over-ride the revealed Word of God and dampen our expectation of a God who moves, a God who acts, and a God who desires to save His people."

Click here to listen to the Sunday Sermoncast:

Christ the King Sunday- November 26th, 2023
November 23, 2023
Sunday Sermoncast- Pentecost 26- Christ the King Sunday- November 24th, 2023

"As we look toward the great return of our King on the Day of the Lord, it is to this promise, won on the cross and sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ where we find our hope. While our works can find us living out our faith in Christ as we do that which sheep in His flock are created to do; we do not rely on them for our salvation. As people of the Word, we hold firmly to faith alone in Jesus Christ because our King has done all of the work to bring us into His Kingdom which He prepared before the creation of the world for His elect."

To listen, click on the link below:

Pentecost 25- November 19th, 2023
November 18, 2023
Sunday Sermoncast- Pentecost 25- November 19th, 2023

"Let this Parable remind us of the truth about our Master who created us and still sustains us in all things. Let this Parable motivate us, as Paul says, “to be not asleep, but let us keep awake and be sober.” Let this Parable push us use the gifts of our master who entrusts us with what is His to care for and utilize until His promised return. Let us live out our faith in love, trust and service to our Lord, each according to our abilities as we await with confidence for the great and terrible day of our Master's return... the day when, for living out the faith that He gifted to us... the day when He will speak over each of us: “Well done, good and faithful servant...through faith alone in Jesus Christ, enter into the joy of your master.”

Pentecost 24- November 12th, 2023
November 11, 2023

Sunday Sermoncast- November 12th, 2023

"It is in this, that Paul says we should encourage one another; that we should have hope. Through faith in Christ, whether dead or alive at the end of days, we all have a future forever with Him. Whether we are reunited with our new immortal bodies or assumed alive, Paul deliverers the Gospel promise that for Christians, because of Jesus Christ, the day of the Lord is not darkness, but light and light eternal. This is what marks us Christians as we grieve for our loved ones. We do not grieve in lack of hope. We do not grieve for a falsehood or a lie. But instead, when our loved ones die with faith in Christ, it is not a forever goodbye, but instead, it is an until we meet again.

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All-Saints Sunday- November 5th, 2023
November 3, 2023
Sunday Sermoncast- All-Saints Sunday- Nov. 5, 2023
"This is the picture of the fulfilled promise that for those who have been sealed at Baptism; marked as belonging to God and given the Holy Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee; this text tells us that no matter what is going on in our lives right now; all will be well. This is assurance. This is promise that our future is with our Lord because His seal protects us from the full measure of His wrath. Because He has saved us, because He has marked us, He cannot forget us; He cannot neglect us and He will always be with us and will see us through all things; even when the stars fall from the sky."

Click below to goto the Sunday Sermoncast!

Reformation Sunday- 2023-October 29
October 28, 2023
Sunday Sermoncast- Reformation Sunday
"The Gospel is the truth that sets us free from the bondage of sin and readies us for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. It is the truth that we still contend for today amongst those that would water-down and weaken the Gospel into something so much less than what Jesus died to bring to us. He is the one who unlocks the chains of our sin and frees us to receive by faith our justification before God; His forgiveness won on a cross through His blood shed for you.

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Lent 5
March 20, 2021
Lent 5

Click below to access the service: [READ MORE]

Lent 4
March 13, 2021
Lent 4 Online Worship
(COVID Quarantine Edition)

Click here to goto the Service: [READ MORE]

Lent 3
March 7, 2021
Click here for Lent 3 readings and sermon. [READ MORE]

Lent 2
February 28, 2021

Lent 1
February 21, 2021
Lent 1- Readings and Sermons [READ MORE]

Transfiguration Sunday
February 15, 2021
Click here for our readings and sermon: [READ MORE]

Epiphany 5
February 7, 2021
Epiphany 5

Readings and Sermon [READ MORE]

Epiphany 4
February 1, 2021
Epiphany 4 readings and sermon [READ MORE]

Epiphany 3
January 24, 2021
Epiphany 3

Gospel and Sermons [READ MORE]

Epiphany 2
January 17, 2021
Epiphany 2- Readings and Sermon [READ MORE]

The Baptism of our Lord
January 11, 2021
The Baptism of our Lord

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